We are a group of healthcare professionals teaching mindfulness in Hong Kong. Coming from different professional backgrounds, we are drawn together by our interest and practice in mindfulness training and our aspiration to share its benefits with the people we serve. All of us have teacher training in Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) or Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT), in addition to other professional and meditative training.
We offer this web site as an avenue for people to find out information on mindfulness training programs in Hong Kong. As you will find out in the Upcoming Events page, we work in different settings and serve people through various channels that our lives open for us. While we have not formed ourselves into any formal organization, we feel very much connected with each other as we support each other in nurturing our wisdom and compassion and living a fuller life through mindfulness practice, and in our work in bringing this wonderful practice to you.
Mindfulness practice helps to improve the quality of life and cope with daily stress. It includes various techniques such as meditation and concentration exercises that help develop attention and calmness. An important part of the practice is the ability to stay in the present moment, which helps you better understand your emotions and behavior. This is especially helpful for people who experience increased anxiety or stress at work.
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Mindfulness teaches you not to be distracted by external stimuli, be it work or entertainment, but to focus on your sensations and current state. This helps to achieve harmony and enjoy every moment of life without going to extremes.
Please also see: Hong Kong Mindfulness Teachers Network.